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 Soft Skills Development

A flipped classroom is a type of blended learning where students are introduced to content at home and practice working through it at school. This is the reverse of the more common practice of introducing new content at school, then assigning homework and projects to completed by the students independently at home.What do students do at school in a flipped classroom? Skill practice (guided or unguided by the teacher), in-person, face-to-face discussion with peers, debate and so on.

It helps focus on developing students’ soft skills like communication, listening, empathy. It improves critical thinking and creativity of the students. When learners participate in the communicative group activities, they   enhance their skills of  team working , follow the rules of time management, define and solve the problems.

The event in the video was held within the format of the programme Generation Global. It is the Tony Blair Institute’s global citizenship education programme for young people ages 13 to 17 that enables them to embrace the future, equipped with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to become active and open-minded global citizens.

Students of 3 schools/ Ukraine, Indonesia/ took part in the debate on the topic Global Citizenship. They were taught life skills-speaking in public, provide arguments for defending personal opinion.

When you disagree with your collocutor you should do it respectfully. The students learnt all the content for debating before the online meeting.

YouTube video

Photo by  Unsplash

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